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Time Traveller: Here's a North Van Christmas morning in the 1950s

Season's Greetings! We hope your Christmas morning was as lovely as this one was for the Cash brothers 🎅
NVMA 14342

Season's greetings! It’s that time of year when the weather is colder, the days are shorter, “and Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again.”

Here we see what Christmas morning would have looked like at North Vancouver photographer Jack Cash’s home in Central Lonsdale in the 1950s. The boys, Brian, Derek and David Cash, are eagerly opening presents and we see them here trying on their newly unwrapped shoes.

What activities or traditions does your family enjoy this time of year?

Visit the MONOVA website for more information about the history of the North Shore and to plan your visit to MONOVA: Museum of North Vancouver, now open at 115 West Esplanade in The Shipyards.

Currently, MONOVA: Archives of North Vancouver, at 3203 Institute Road in Lynn Valley, is open by appointment only. Contact: [email protected]

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