Approximately 12 people dipped into the frigid waters off Nexen Beach for the 2006 unofficial Polar Bear swim Jan. 1.
But confusion over the event could just as easily have left people high and dry.
Some willing participants said they felt let down by the almost complete cancellation of the event while others said "let's get on with it already."
"We just need someone to organize the damn swim!" said Murray Sovereign owner and manager of Valhalla Pure.Sovereign wanted to sponsor the event in conjunction with other businesses in the community, but they were turned off by the liability and insurance costs involved.
Squamish Polar Bear Club founder Mike Enders also attempted to have an organized swim Jan. 1 but was also deterred by the insurance costs, which would be between $540 and $700 for the day.
Mike Chin is CEO of the Oceanfront Development Corporations which owns the Nexen Lands.
Chin said the notion of insurance for the swim at the Nexen lands is simple.
"We need the insurance because if someone is hurt during the event the district could be sued at the tax-payer's expense," he said.
Chin said other successful events have been held on the Nexen lands, and all obtained the correct insurance before doing so.
"We definitely want those types of events down here because they celebrate the community," said Chin.
"The West Coast Amusement Fair, the Test of Metal Beach Party and a Wind Surfing event were all held here and prior to the events they obtained correct insurance papers."
Sovereign said he thinks the notion of insurance for everything has gone too far.
"This is getting ridiculous," he said, "I mean I could hurt myself crossing the street and sue the districtit's too much."
Some Polar Bear swims seem to escape the requirements for insurance.
Wally MacLean, president of the West Van Otter's Swim Club, organized the Polar Bear swim in West Vancouver at Ambleside Beach and did not obtain insurance for the event.
"I organized it for the competitive swimmers in the club," he said.
"If other people are crazy enough to join in it's their problem!"