I don't mean to be critical toward Greg Gardner's achievements as mayor. I don't follow our municipal government's activities much, as I have obtained an impression since living in this wonderful community that the guys at District Hall tend to take somewhat of an amateurish approach to running government. Shortly after he was elected, the Squamish Chief printed a picture of our mayor sliding down a playground slide at the Waldorf school in Valleycliffe. I think it was their opening. I thought, good for you Mr. Mayor! I trust you did not wear your newly purchased Hugo Boss suit that day.
When the time came for my son to graduate from Howe Sound Senior Secondary in 2010, I was quite disappointed by the mayor's address to the students and parents. It focused primarily on his experiences of backpacking through Europe after his high school graduation. Hold it! Is that the right message to a bunch of kids who are about to embark on their journey which begins a life on their own away from their nest?
Our town is in great demand of new talent, great and innovative ideas to make this a better place for their grandchildren. We need industry leaders with dignity, government officials with a moral compass, as well as social advocates who understand the plight of putting in eight to 10 hours a day.
I felt our mayor's backpacking travels while in Brindisi, Italy, waiting in a bar for the next ferry to Corfu, Greece did not provide the motivation for these smart but vulnerable kids to come back to Squamish after they got their degrees.
Joe Rommel