Jane Emerick
Special to The Chief
Dog owners and trail walkers can expect to enjoy less poopy trails thanks to initiative to create biodegradable doggy bag dispensers in Squamish.
Squamish's Dog Pound and the Squamish Trails Society already have 30 dispensers to install throughout Squamish and are working on creating more.
"The idea is to simply clean up dog poo in the town," said John Harvey, treasurer and "doer" of the Squamish Trails Society.
Harvey has been working with Wendy Beaudoin, animal control officer at the Squamish Pound, to fundraise for the project and has so far raised $2500 through donations from local residents and business owners.
By paying for the dispensers through donations Harvey said the initiative will cost tax payers less while encouraging and educating dog owners to pick up after their pets.
"The result of not picking up after 'Spot' is an unhygienic mess that frustrates anyone unlucky enough to stand in it," he said. "The cleanliness of one's own neighborhood creates a sense of pride but not so when it is littered with dog feces."
The dispensers will be located at key points through out Squamish and Harvey said he hopes they will be near garbage cans so people can put the bags in the bins.
"It's no good if people use the bags and then chuck them into the bush," he said.
A donation of $100 will purchase a dispenser and will display the name of the group or individual making the donation.
Donations can be made at the Dog Pound or through the Squamish Trails Society and donors will receive a tax receipt.