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Demonstrate responsibility by smart spending decisions

Demonstrate responsibility by smart spending decisions

Those who pay have a say. Everyone has to organize a shindig every now and again. Sometimes it's birthday party, in my case it's a wedding and for Prime Minister Stephen Harper it's the G8/G20 summit.
Change starts with self-awareness

Change starts with self-awareness

People start counselling for many reasons: they may feel stuck, they or others may be having problems that are very difficult to solve, they may have been asked or advised to see a counsellor by someone they trust or they may need to know that someon
Why not SAM?

Why not SAM?

The following letter to Squamish council was copied to The Chief for publication. Re: Sam the Axe Man, Your reluctance to acknowledge the industry that once was, is to say the least, shameful! Visitors would stop to have pictures taken with Sam.
Signs of favouritism

Signs of favouritism

Editor, I need to address something for readers that I see as highly unfair to local businesses that are struggling as we speak. This is in regards to no highway signage/access.
Greenlight GAS

Greenlight GAS

Editor, Within the coming month we should have a decision from our provincial government regarding [Garibaldi at Squamish] GAS ["GAS fate now with ministers," The Chief, May 21].
Anytime might be Showtime

Anytime might be Showtime

When I was growing up, I had a friend whose mother made us walk up the wood tread on the side of the stairs and not on the carpet runner that ran down the middle.
No easy answers

No easy answers

Want to see a parent's claws come out? Tell them their kid has to go to another school.
Aiding and abetting

Aiding and abetting

"It's not something I've really turned my mind to, to be honest with you.
Standing up for Stawamus

Standing up for Stawamus

Editor, It has just come to my attention that the school board has proposed to try and even out school admissions in Squamish by making Valleycliffe a Grades K to 3 and Stawamus a Grades 4 to 7 or enforcing the boundaries to even out attendance at bo
Tap water questioned

Tap water questioned

Editor, I am writing this with regard to the article in the Chief newspaper from May 21 "Bottled water ban supported." I have lived in Squamish since 1963 and I have real concerns regarding the quality of our tap water.
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