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Accessible eagle viewing 101

Accessible eagle viewing 101

As we all know, there is a simple two-step procedure for anyone who wants to market a product or service. Step 1: advertise so people know what you're selling. Step 2: ensure your product or service is appealing and user friendly.
Local youth over partiers

Local youth over partiers

EDITOR, Congratulations to the slo-pitch organization for getting funds from the Squamish Valley Music Festival organizers to construct their new ball fields ("Music festival needs more space," Chief, Jan. 24).
Women's theatre invitation issued

Women's theatre invitation issued

All women are welcome to attend the Theatre Group for Women sponsored by the Howe Sound Women's Centre each Friday from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. This is your chance to express yourself, use your voice and have fun and laughter with others.
Doo-ing it right

Doo-ing it right

EDITOR, Yesterday, I picked up 30-plus soggy little green bags of poop along the railway tracks between Brackendale Art Gallery and Depot Road.
Change in process needed

Change in process needed

EDITOR, The son of a Squamish Nation chief was shot to death by police recently ("Squamish Nation chief's son killed," Chief, Feb. 7). No matter what the circumstances, too often police use deathly force or beat or rough up arrestees.
The big picture

The big picture

Like it or not, Squamishs economic future is at least partly tied to the film industry just one of many (forestry, tourism, shipping, technology and education) that can and should be integral parts of our communitys economic mix.
Squamish goes for the gold

Squamish goes for the gold

I had the privilege of attending the Canada Post launch of the Sarah Burke stamp this week. Sarah was an extraordinary person and a great ambassador for Canada, her sport, and Squamish.
Become a blog writer

Become a blog writer

Everyone - no matter who he or she is - has an expertise, passion or unique experiences to share. Maybe you're great at simple home renovations, or can do awesome things with chocolate.
Seeds of renewal, redemption

Seeds of renewal, redemption

I don't know about you, but I have been perusing through seed catalogues of late and it's one of my favourite winter garden activities.
What will make 2013 'successful' for you?

What will make 2013 'successful' for you?

Do you think of yourself as a successful person? Maybe to answer this question you need to decide what success means for you what does it look, sound and feel like? How will you know when you have 'success'? Defining success what do you want? There a
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